This four-part webinar series on supporting homeless families presented by Dr. Grace Whitley was offered by the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports through Early Intervention Technical Assistance for Infant/Toddler Service Coordinators; however, there is valuable information for other professionals related to supporting children and their family experiencing homelessness. Each session can be taken as a stand-alone course for .75 Infant Toddler Clock Hours, or you may choose to take several sessions for .75 credit hours each. You will receive 3 Infant Toddler Clock Hours in total if you complete all four sessions.

Dr. Grace Whitney presents four sessions on this topic including 1) Definitions and Federal/State Regulations, 2) Developmental Impact on Children, 3) Outreach Strategies, 4) Supporting Needs of Families. 

Credits: 3 Infant Toddler Clock Hours 

Intended Audience: Infant/Toddler Service Coordinators, Early Intervention Providers, SC Supervisors, Pennsylvania Early Childhood programs. 

Registration: Select the course title above and then "Enroll me in this course."

This course is a self-enrollment course and is not eligible for Act 48 credit hours.

Gets registrations from PaTTAN SolutionWhere: No
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of a Service Coordinator in Pennsylvania, including how to individualize service coordination services.

Credits: Certificate of Completion Available/No Credit Offered

Intended Audience: EI IT Only, Service Coordinator

Registration: No pre-registration is required for this job aid. Login information will be required. When you click on the Get Started button, you will be redirected to our training site. If you already have a username and password, log in using your existing account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one.

Gets registrations from PaTTAN SolutionWhere: No
Learn about why service coordination activity documentation is important, as well as how to document quality service coordination notes.

Credits: No credit hours

Intended Audience: Infant/Toddler Service Coordinators

Registration: Additional login information will be required. When you click on the "Get Started” button below, you will be redirected to our training site.If you already have a username and password, you will be able to login using your existing account.If you do not have an account, you will be able to create one.

Gets registrations from PaTTAN SolutionWhere: No