Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) is a model of Early Intervention that uses everyday activities and play that occur between caregivers and children as the context for embedding functional child outcomes for learning. The components of FGRBI offer a framework for interdisciplinary providers to use during home, classroom, or tele-intervention visits to coach caregivers on using evidence-based strategies confidently within meaningful routines identified as important to the family. This course supports OCDEL Announcement EI-20-03 Early Intervention Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings.

Credits: 2 Infant Toddler Clock Hours

Intended Audience: Early Intervention Infant Toddler and Preschool Administrators, Service Providers, Service Coordinators, and other EI staff

Registration: No pre-registration is required for this course.  Login information will be required. When you click on the Get Started button below, you will be redirected to our training site. If you already have a username and password, you will be able to log in using your existing account and enroll yourself in the course. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one.

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