These 3 job aids meet the following training topic requirements:

Cultural Competency (30 min)

Infant Toddler Procedural Safeguards (15 min)

Transition (15 min)

There are additional training requirements such as Mandated Reporting, Universal Health Procedures, etc. that this series does not include.  Check with your EI Coordinator or Supervisor for additional information and training opportunities.

Once completed, this series allows you to receive 1 Infant Toddler Clock Hour. You can do the job aids in any order and can do them across time. Once all 3 are marked complete, and you complete the Final Evaluation, you will be able to access a certificate, which includes documentation of the Infant/Toddler credit.

Credits:  1 Infant Toddler Clock Hour

Intended Audience:  EI Professionals

Registration:  This is a self-enrollment series. If you already have a username and password, you will be able to login using your existing account. If you do not have an account, you will be able to create one.

Gets registrations from PaTTAN SolutionWhere: No